

International Seminars in Food Science and Technology

International Seminars in Food Science and Technology: PPGCTA invites everyone to the International Seminars in Food Science and Tecnhology from 10/14/2020 to 4 pm.
Speaker: Prof. Prof. Fernando Martínez Bustos, Researcher at Cinvestav-Unidad Querétaro, Mexico
Moderator to Profª Elessandra Zavareze
Title: Succinylated corn starch nanoparticles obtained through extrusion and ultrasound processes and their evaluation as anthocyanin encapsulating materials of the Ardisia compressa fruit

Transmission will be by zoom and registration via QR Code or link
https: //us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYvd-yvpj4tGdx2Zw7O9XvcLQxqzfERS0Gt
Support: Capes, CNPq and FAPERGS

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