Parcerias com Setor Produtivo

Parcerias com Setor Produtivo

Partnerships with the Productive Sector


Association of candy producers from Pelotas, partnership with the project 'Valorização and qualification of traditional candies from Pelotas Cultural Historical Heritage'. term 2018 - 2024. Code 2252. Prof. Márcia A. Gularte.

Company ABOUT SOLUTION S/S LTDA, partnership in the project 'Performance in food sensory analysis methodologies', valid from 2018 to 2024. Attached. Prof. Márcia A. Gularte.

Company Brazilian Association of Rice Industries (ABIARROZ. Period: 05/31/2017 to 05/31/2023. Prof. Nathan, Prof. Maurício and Prof. Moacir.

Company Biopolix Technological Materials Ltda. Period: 07/2019 to 07/2023.

Bonsai Serra Consultoria e Assessoria Empresarial Ltda. Period: 05/2020 to 05/2022. Prof. Responsible: Angelita S. Moreira.

Trust Frozen Company. Period: 04/05/2021 to 12/2022. Prof. Responsible: Angela M. Fiorentini.

Company Dickow Alimentos Ltda. Period: 01/10/2018 to 01/10/2023.

Company Duas Rodas Industrial Ltda - Case No.: 23110.05973/2019-10. Partners: UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE PELOTAS, and Empresa Duas Rodas Industrial Ltda, CNPJ: 84.430.149/0001-09. Effective: 02/12/2020 to 02/12/2024. Prof. Marcia A. Gularte.

IASFA Food Company. Prof. Responsible: Angelita S. Moreira.

Company JBS Foods S.A. Project: evaluation of knives, contact surfaces and carcasses for contamination by mesophilic aerobic bacteria and enterobacteriaceae in a pig slaughterhouse in Rio Grande do Sul. Period: 2018-2021. Graziely Amorim Weiand Stadtlober, Profa. Angela Maria Fiorentini.

Company JBS Foods S.A. Project: Standardization of the settling and rest time in the processing of cooked ham. Period: 2017-2019. Andrêssa Cristina Datsch Demari, Prof. Angela Maria Fiorentini

Empresa Oliva Agroindustrial Ltda, Pinheiro Machado, RS: cooperation with PPGCTA. Prof. Márcia A. Gularte.

RENTANK Macrosheds Industry company. Project title: Development of a temporary grain storage system in canvas sheds. Period: 2020-2021. Prof. Maurício de Oliveira.

Rical Company – Rack Indústria e Comércio de Arroz Ltda. Period: 01/10/2018 to 01/10/2023. Prof. Nathan, Prof. Mauritius and Prof. Moacir

Company Rupollo & Marini Ltda – Grain Storage Consultancy. Period: 20/04/2016 to 20/04/2021.

Instituto Rio-Grandense do Arroz (IRGA) - South Zone Division. Period: 10/15/2018 to 10/15/2023.

Research project entitled "Technological innovation for the elaboration of products that add value in the apple chain (2014-2017), . This information can be verified through the link ( noticias/-/noticia/33406373/research-develops-innovation-that-slows-sliced-stretches-darkening).

Provent Do Brasil Metalúrgica LTDA - Partnership agreement for research, development and innovation. Project certified by Administrative Process 23110.032850/2019-43. Period: 2018-2022. Prof. Maurício de Oliveira.