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International Excellence with grade 6...

It is with great satisfaction that we inform you that we have achieved international excellence with a score of 6....


Neuroscience course applied to sensory tests with food...

Curso Neurociência aplicada a testes sensoriais com alimentos com o palestrante Airton Rodrigues Diretor técnico d...


Course on “Sensory shelf life of food”...

Curso de “Vida útil sensorial de alimentos”  ministrado pela doutora Lorena Garitta do Instituto Superio...


PPGCTA Internal Selection for 3MT Event Participation (...

PPGCTA Internal Selection for 3MT Event Participation (Three Minutes Thesis)https://wp.ufpel.edu.br/prppgi/files/2...


Palestra: Vida útil sensorial de alimentos com a Dra. L...

Estão abertas as inscrições para a palestra online: Vida útil sensorial de alimentos com a Dra. Lorena Garitta (IS...


Simplified Selection Process for Visiting Professor at ...

Simplified Selection Process for Visiting Professor at PPGCTA.https://www.dctaufpel.com.br/ppgcta/manager/uploads/...