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Extended Applications for the Doctoral Notice 98/2021...

The PPGCTA informs that the applications for the Doctoral Selection Notice (Notice 98/2021) have been extended, du...


CALL 122/2021 for Special Student...

CALL 122/2021 for Special StudentClick here and see the notice...


Call for Doctoral Selection - Admission 2021-2...

The PPGCTA makes public the Selection Notice for admission in 2021-2. The registration period will be from the 5th...


Cycle of Lectures in Food Science and Technology...

Prof. Geferson Fischer  "Vírus: da origem à Pandemia"...


Prof. Cesar V. Rombaldi - "Alimentos: Transgressões de ...

Prof. Cesar Valmor Rombaldi  "Alimentos: Transgressões de consciência e de inteligência"...


Call for applications - 2021-1 - Capes PrInt...

Editais Capes PrInt Abertos- Doutorado sanduiche no exterior;- Pós-doutorado com experiência no exterior;-  P...